
"I have worked with Heather for 10 years and a conversation with her is always medicine. Receiving a reading with Heather provides me with very clear guidance. Her honesty, integrity, and sense of humor assures me that she always has my best interest at heart."

"More important than her focusing on an answer to any question I have (which she can do), she focuses on building my internal understanding of any matter I am struggling with, so that I can ask deeper questions, and answer them myself. Her insights are never wrong and always steer me in the right direction."​

"I love getting my cards read. Especially by someone as tuned in as Heather. The tarot is a fabulous tool, offering clues as to how to interpret, gain insight from, and respond to life. Heather approaches her readings from a powerful place of intuition. Her readings are incredibly helpful, challenging, honest and spot on."

"Readings with Heather are a mix of direct insight, humor and tender heart. The combination of wisdom and compassion is her way of carrying the responsibility of the ancestors and spirits who clearly are present when  cards are turned and read. There is trust and safety, even when you hear something you might not like at first. Truth works that way and so does Heather."

"I must admit I was a bit nervous when I arrived for my appointment. Heather was very welcoming and made me feel  comfortable right away. The experience was amazing. Heather is very insightful. I can say in retrospect, that some things were revealed during the reading that came about in a big way. Next time I must remember to bring a question to ask."

"Getting a reading with Heather always feels like a rare gift. She listens with a deep heart, an inquisitive mind, and reflects back responses to my questions that are often more than I even thought to ask. She has genuine concern for my best interest. Her honesty, integrity, kindness, and sense of humor makes it so that I always feel like I am having a conversation with my own soul, with Heather acting as a safe intermediary. "