About Me

Like so many others, I wear many hats. I am an artist, mother, grandmother, partner, dreamer, cook, gardener, book lover, entrepreneur, human, and I am also an intuitive.

I was born on the border between Canada and the United States. Being born on or unto the borderland of places, spaces, identities and ways of being has been an ongoing and consistent theme of my life. Negotiating these spaces of in between has led me down interesting pathways and roads. I have come to understand that part of my purpose is assisting other on theirs. Readings are one such way that I am able to do so.

If you would like to learn more about me and my work , I invite you to explore the information & links below.


I experience creating art as an ongoing dialogue with the worlds that I inhabit and those that inhabit me. I believe that the seen and unseen worlds of the physical, imaginary, emotional, and spiritual are constantly in conversation. It is this ongoing conversation that I find magical and am most curious about and interested in. It is where my artistic creations rise out of. I think of these creations as portals and doorways into a realm or universe. It is my hope that viewers of my work feel invited into this realm and become increasingly aware of the magic and wonder that can be found within their own.


Artists, visionaries, creatives and arts organizations are unique individuals and entities. With over 28 years of experience in organizational development and executive management with individuals, nonprofit organizations and creative institutions, I offer individualized and custom-tailored consultation and organization for the cultivation of the artistic spirit and practice, as well as administrative and business management and services. My consulting philosophy is centered on a model of collaboration and assisting each individual and/or team member in recognizing their passion, purpose and unique vision and applying those inner fires to boldly ignite their drive to accomplish their artistic and business aspirations.

All images and photography on this site are part of my artistic practice. If you would like to learn more please visit my my website at Heather Geoffrey.